Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I'm in a reading funk

Last week I devoured "A Gentleman in the Street" by Alisha Rai. It was fantastic! So well written. So dirty. I loved it. I fell in love with the main characters. I wanted to rent a plane and write in the sky how good it was.
Then I moved on and had to read another book. It hasn't been a good reading week since then.
I DNF'd two books. And I've been let down by the others that I have read since then.
They haven't been horrible, just not great.
Quick rundown

Too Friendly to Date- Nicole Helm
I love a great SuperRomance! This was only good. I felt like Leah was a little overly stubborn. But I do love the friends secretly in love with each other trope. The torture of working side by side with your love, but being silent about it. Her mother was a little over the top with the protectiveness. There was some good set up for a follow up book featuring Leah's policeman brother, Mitch. The sex was decent. A solid read, but no sky writing happening.

What to do with a Bad Boy- Marie Harte
I saw this book rec'd on twitter. Thought I'd give it a try. Even though I very rarely pay more than $5 for a book, especially not a new to me author. I must have been feeling generous.
Anyway, there was some hot sexy times happening in this book. A solid story and plot. Another instance of the friends to lovers trope in action here. Hero is a single dad, still grieving for his wife, she dies giving birth to their son. Heroine, Del, is a mechanic with tattoos. FYI- That means she's a bad girl, that curses around the hero's son. Except she is just a regular girl and curses no less than the hero. But whatevs. This book is 4th in a series, I highly recommend reading the previous ones first. It isn't vital to understanding what's happening, but makes the cast of characters easier to understand. Mike, the hero, has a over meddling mother who thinks that a tattooed woman is beneath him, oh little does she know. And the mother tries hard to push some plain neighborly woman on him. But the mom also has some weird relationship with Del's father. Probably mentioned in the previous books.
Overall, a solid read, although I wish I hadn't paid $6.15 for it.

Ready or Not- JL Berg
I've read the other three books in this series. Lots of insta-love. Heroine, Liv, is described as a hippie, she wears flowing skirts, doesn't eat meat, and recycles. And has a tattoo on her back, that also helps signify her hippiedom. Hero- Jackson, an attorney that hates his job, sort of, but wants to provide for his 11 year old son. They end up moving next to Liv. There is this weird neighbor hate happening that turns in to love. She TP's his house with help from friends and the son. He fills her house with balloons. He rescues her from being almost, but not quite attacked from a previous boyfriend. Jackson won't have sex with Liv until she is ready and not using him as an outlet to get over the time he saved her from being sort of attacked by her ex. Author had good intentions. Overall it was a sweet, kind of too sweet, story where everyone gets exactly what they want.
The biggest take away was on one of the last pages the main character's name was spelled with a z, so it said Liz. I get errors in a book. It's ok, we are human. And I believe this was self published, but come on!, the wrong name for the main character.

And rounding out my week is Loving You is Easy- Wendy S Marcus
I love me a tortured hero. One that doesn't believe he's worthy of love. YES PLEASE. But this book turned in to a huge let down. The heroine, Brooke, is a teacher who befriends a deployed soldier as part of a pen pal program. Brooke is a 24, highly educated and her dad is running for governor. Shane is a soldier with blue collar working parents. Mismatched social classes, yep another trope that works for me. But Brooke was a complete push over. So many people in this book are down right mean to her and she doesn't fight back. Spoiler alert- Brooke is falsely accused of a crime, and she doesn't get a lawyer. She just sulks and whines and ends up leaving town to go stay with Shane's family. Shane's sister verbally and physically attacks her, and nada. Shane mistreated her several times and the next day she was all starry eyed with him again. Worst was how her mother treated her when she brought Shane home. The whole you aren't good enough for my precious daughter. This scene in the book was cringe inducing. The hoping to be governor father was in the scene but refused to speak up, even though he seemed to like Shane. Brooke also suffered a sexual assault at the hands of a family friend and the way her mother is just so hateful about it is sad. And again the father doesn't speak up.
This book has so much potential. Hero- wounded veteran feeling unworthy of love, Heroine- willing to fight for him. But I can't fall for that if she isn't willing to fight for herself.

So there rounds out my so-so reading week. Off to re-read a Jenny Crusie book. I know exactly what I will get there- solid story, some sexy times and fun.

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